Didac Policies
Child Safeguarding Policy
This policy is for all staff and adults of work, visit, or volunteer at Didac school. It is also available to parents and host families.
Didac School Eastbourne fully recognises its responsibilities for child protection. Our policy applies to all staff, host families and volunteers working in or for the school.
Statutory guidance states “Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children”. This policy intends to put this guidance into practice to ensure children’s safety, welfare and protection is promoted at all times during at Didac, on school activities, in their host families and whilst in the UK.
This policy will be reviewed annually prior to the start of the school year by the Designated Safeguarding Lead. Staff Safeguarding training will also be reviewed annually.
We believe that:
all our students, regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or religion, have the right to protection from physical, emotional, neglect and sexual abuse.
all people working or volunteering for our school have a responsibility for the protection of our students and for reporting concerns about their welfare or safety.
All Didac staff and host families should promote the safety and wellbeing of all our students at all times.
Policy context:
This policy has been written with the aid of the following UK Government documents:
Keeping children safe in Education: Statutory guidance for schools and colleges (Sept 2016).
Working together to safeguard children: A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children (March 2015).
Child sexual exploitation: Definition and a guid for practitioners, local leaders and decision makers working to protect child from child exploitation (Feb 2017).
The Prevent duty: Departmental advice for school and childcare providers (June 2015).
These documents are available on the staffroom safeguarding self from all staff to consult.
Children: this refers to students under 18.
Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL). These are the staff members appointed to take lead responsibility for child protection issues in school.
Didac School Safeguarding Roles and training
All Didac Staff have been trained to a minimum of level 2 Safeguarding.
All Didac have completed ‘Prevent training”
All Didac staff are provided with websites, video’s, articles, and book chapters related to child protection, sexual exploitation, and mental health (self harm, suicide, depression), to promote their ongoing training.
Under 18’s: The schools ‘coaching curriculum’ is used educated all under 18’s in the importance of looking out for each other’s safety and wellbeing and passing on any concerns to staff.
Didac has a Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL): Brent Dyer (Principal). This is to safeguard against one DSL being absent and if the child protection concern or accusation concerns one of the DSL. In which case the other DSL should be consulted. In the case of both DLS’s being involved with the accusation another staff member should be consulted and Eastbourne Child Protection (children services) contacted as soon as possible for advice.
Children’s services and emergency contact.
Child protection
St Marks house
14 Upperton House, Eastbourne,
East Sussex
BN21 1 EP
Tel: 01323 464222 / Out of hours: 01273335905
In an emergency call 999.
For additional advice or support call Childline on: 0800 1111 (24hr free phone)
Under 18’s: The schools ‘coaching curriculum’ is used educated all under 18’s in the importance of looking out for each other’s safety and wellbeing and passing on any concerns to staff.
Associated Policies
Didac School has separate policies on:
Student Mental Health and wellbeing policy that refers to safeguarding, child protection in relation to student mental health and wellbeing. It also explains in detail the school’s wider wellbeing approach and associated support and curriculum.
Safer Recruitment policy that refers to safeguarding and employment in relation to all staff and host families.
Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking (see staff handbook)
Leisure Time safeguarding and risk assessment policy that refers to risk assessment and safeguarding procedures on out of school activities
Transport policy that refers to safeguarding U18 transport
E-safety policy that refers to internet safeguarding in school for U18’s
Host families and accommodation policy that refers to safeguarding and child protection for U18’s in Host families
Appropriate staff behaviour, (see handbook) dress, student contact and language can be found in the staff handbook.
We recognise that because of our day to day contact with the students, school staff are well placed to observe the outward signs of abuse. The school will therefore:
Establish and maintain an environment where students feel secure, are encouraged to talk, and are listened to.
Ensure students know that there are adults in the school such as the Head of Wellbeing, whom they can approach if they have concerns or issues they need to discuss.
Include opportunities in the curriculum for students to develop the skills they need to recognise and stay safe from abuse.
Ensure Didac has 2 Designated Safeguarding Leads, and that all other staff have at least level 2 safeguarding training.
Ensure all staff have ‘Prevent’ training in line with government recommendations.
Ensure there are clear ‘whistleblowing’ procedures in place for all staff.
We will follow the procedures set out by the Area Child Protection Committee and take account of guidance issued by the Department for Education and Skills to:
Ensure we have members of staff who are able to deal with a range of safeguarding, welfare, child protection and wellbeing issues such as the Head of Wellbeing / DSL.
Ensure every member of staff, volunteer and host family knows that the Principal is responsible for child protection within the school.
Ensure all staff and volunteers understand that Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. This includes being alert to the signs of abuse and responsibility for referring any concerns to the Designated Safeguarding Lead
Keep written records of concerns about students, even where there is no need to refer the matter immediately.
Ensure all records are kept securely.
Develop and then follow procedures where an allegation is made against a member of staff or volunteer.
Ensure safe recruitment practices are always followed and staff responsible for employment have the appropriate safeguarding training.
Work in partnership with local health and social services to ensure we fulfil our duties and make all referrals necessary.
Work with a Social, Health and Police services in a students home country with safeguarding and child protection issues when appropriate.
We recognise that students who are abused or witness violence may find it difficult to develop a sense of self-worth. They may feel helplessness, humiliation and some sense of blame. When at school their behaviour may be challenging and defiant or they may be withdrawn. The school will endeavour to support the pupil through:
The content of the curriculum including a wellbeing focused “coaching” course.
The school ethos which promotes a positive, supportive and secure environment and gives pupils a sense of being valued.
Open access to the School therapist through drop-in services or student, staff, parent, health services referral.
The school behaviour policy which is aimed at supporting vulnerable pupils in the school. The school will ensure that the pupil knows that some behaviour is unacceptable but they are valued and not to be blamed for any abuse which has occurred.
Work in partnership with health and social services in child protection, safeguarding and welfare matters.
We will review our policy annually during our special weeks in August.
There are four forms of abuse: physical, emotional, sexual and neglect. Staff should be aware of the following ways in which possible child abuse could be detected:
injuries, bruises, difficulty in moving
furtive, secretive behaviour; uncharacteristic aggression or withdrawn behaviour; low self esteem; unhappiness; fear; distress; anxiety; attention seeking; opposing; withdrawn; insecure; failure to thrive; attachment disorders; indiscriminate friendliness: poor social relationships; poor concentration
compulsive eating or lack of appetite
suddenly becoming ill
difficulty in keeping awake
repeated absences.
sexual abuse: general signs as above and/or direct disclosure
physical signs of neglect
If any member of staff suspects that a student has been abused or is at risk of being abused, he/she should inform the social welfare officer immediately.
Where members of staff see signs which cause them concern they should seek information from the student with tact and sympathy. It is not, however, the responsibility of the staff to investigate suspected abuse. They should not take action beyond that agreed in the procedures established by the Local Safeguarding Children’s Boards.
Care must be taken in asking and interpreting students’ responses to and questions about indications of abuse.
Do treat any allegations extremely seriously and act at all times towards the student as if you believe what they are saying.
Do tell the students they are right to tell you.
Do reassure them that they are not to blame.
Do be honest about your own position, who you have to tell and why.
Do tell the child what you are doing and when, and keep them up to date with what is happening.
Do take further action – you may be the only person in a position to prevent future abuse – tell the social welfare officer or Principal immediately.
Do write down everything said and what was done on a cause for concern referral form where possible.
Do seek medical attention if appropriate, immediately if necessary.
Do inform host parents / parents unless there is suspicion of their involvement.
Don’t make promises you can’t keep.
Don’t interrogate the student – it is not your job to carry out an investigation – this will be up to the police and social services, who have experience in this.
Don’t cast doubt on what the student has told you and don’t interrupt or change the subject.
Don’t say anything that makes the student feel responsible for the abuse.
Don’t do nothing – make sure you tell the social welfare officer or Principal immediately.
The Principal and/or Head of Wellbeing (both Designated Safeguarding Leads) will:
in case of serious injury, make arrangements to transport the student to hospital.
if more corroboration is needed, call a staff meeting to share observations to ascertain whether there is a consensus of concern. If appropriate, he/she may decide to continue with and maintain records of observations. Depending on the situation, he/she may or may not contact social services and/or the host parents.
If needed contact Social Services. Agreement should also be reached with Social Services regarding whether there should be an immediate disclosure to the host parents / parents that a referral has been made and if so, by whom.
immediately follow any oral report with a written report.
in the case of a situation that needs urgent advice or referral arises outside of office hours (for example, if the student or other members of the family are in danger) call the 999.
Action to be taken where abuse by a member of staff is suspected
In the event that an employee suspects that a student is being abused by a member of staff, a report should be made in the strictest confidence to the DSL, who will then follow the procedures set down in Section 6 of the East Sussex Area Child Protection Committee’s Child Protection Procedures. These are in addition to our own internal procedures.
If either of the DSL’s are suspected of improper conduct, the employee concerned should contact the alternate member of staff.
Action to be taken where abuse by a student is suspected
In the event of a student being accused of abuse or inappropriate behaviour Didac would prioritise the immediate safety of all concerned. Statements and risk assessments by the DLS would be undertaken and an investigation. Eastbourne children’s services would be contacted early on for advice and support in investigating the accusation to the best of our ability. Please consult the staff handbook for further information on disciplinary procedure for students.
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
CSE is a form of sexual abuse that may include physical contact and assault, non-penetrative acts or non contact activities such as involving child in the production of sexual images. It occurs where an individual or group manipulates or coerces an under 18 into sexual activity, in exchange for something the victim wants. CSE does not always involve physical contact; it can also occur through the use of technology.
All staff receive information on CSE and warning signs for the Head of Wellbeing and are level 2 safeguarding trained.
All staff understand, in reference to the Sexual Offences Act 2003, that sexual activity with a student under the age of 18, is against the law (even though the age for consent is 16).
The Department of Education ‘Child Sexual Exploitation guide’ is available to all staff in the staff room or on-line.
The school therapist in specialist training provides an additional facility to safeguard against CSE and provide under 18’s with a safe space to disclose.
All students receive information of ‘Healthy, unhealthy and inappropriate relationships’ in coaching lessons in school.
Any concerns from staff or families would follow Didac’s ‘cause for concern’ procedure as outlined above.
For further information please see the NSPCC website.
Didac understands it is our duty to identify children who may be vulnerable to radicalisation, and know what to do when they are identified. As such all staff have had CPD training on this issue.
Didac also understands the duty to promote fundamental British values and Prevent duty is not intended to stop pupils debating controversial issues. Didac’s curriculum incorporates debate and promotes diversity and difference education through coaching and all lessons.
Didac staff also understand it is there duty to raise any concerns regarding students vulnerable to radicalising, those at risk of being drawn into terrorism - including support for extremist ideas. This concerns would be addressed through cause for concern and safeguarding procedures. The risk assessment would then be taken up by the DSL and Child protection (Children’s services) contacted for advice.
Record keeping
When a child protection concern arises, it is essential that it is recorded. Such a record is highly sensitive and should be kept only by the Head of Wellbeing /or the Principal. It might also be used in a court of law.
It is the Principal’s responsibility to ensure all staff recognise the importance of good record keeping as an essential part of child protection accountability.
Reports concerning any incident or concern of a child protection nature should be:
recorded in clear and straightforward language.
be accurate and concise and differentiate between fact, observation, opinion and allegation.
timed, dated and signed by the member of staff recording the incident.
stored securely within the student’s file in the Wellbeing office.
Confidential information held by schools about child protection concerns or allegations do not form part of a student’s record and in the case that a parent asks to see their child’s record, such information can be removed.
Trainings, meetings and resources
The school recognises that the staff will require appropriate training, will need to attend key meetings and have access to relevant literature regarding child abuse. Resources should be made available for the above when required.
Brent Dyer
Date: 18th March 2018
Useful links for further information : http://www.eastsussexlscb.org.uk
Active Club Risk Assessment Policy
Use of risk assessments
Staff member responsible for the risk assessment
The active club co-ordinator is responsible for the production of an RA for every activity that takes place on the AC.
Once complete the RAs are stored in the school office along with RA policy and activity attendance lists
Before every activity a copy of the RA is given to the responsible adults heading the activity along with other important information for the trip. These are handed out during an allotted point in the weekly staff meeting in an event pack
The event pack includes
Risk Assessment
Attendance list
Student contact details
Host family contact details
Tickets and proof of payment
Maps (if necessary)
Medical requirements of the students
A first aid kit
Ensuring delivery
Specific risks are highlighted and explained to the students during CO time by the Active Club co-ordinator.
These might typically include:
Meeting times
Reminder to bring water and advising on suitable clothing
Reminder of the procedure in the event of a security risk (terrorist attack)
Reminder of when and how to look after belongings
These risks are highlighted again on the morning of the trip to the students
An attendance check is carried out by the AC co-ordinator the day before the trip to ensure the attendance list is up to date and accurate
Assessing Risks for Under 18s
Special consideration is given in the RA’s to the fact that we are working with U18s. These considerations include
The availability of alcohol
The suitability of the event - (age restrictions)
Time span of the event
Physical toll of the activity
If there may be any students over 18 on the trip, (to be treated as under 18’s)
Any parental consent that may be needed in for an activity
Guidelines for missing student
Student groups are assembled with a 1:11 teacher to student ratio
Student groups are kept purposely small when travelling to London with a maximum of 30 with 4 staff.
If a student fails to arrive:
On the morning of an activity
On a weekday the school office is notified.
At the weekend the student is contacted by the lead teacher on the activity to ensure their welfare.
If the student and host family are uncontactable, the principal is informed
During an activity
Clear meeting points and times are organised during an activity
Students are reminded to stay in groups
Students are asked to remain in a specific area - e.g - not to use the underground in London
If a student is late, the lead teacher will try to make contact with them by phone. If that is unsuccessful their friends / group are also contacted by phone
Activities are staffed by more than one staff member so that the remaining students are continually supervised
All students are given the contact number of the lead teacher and are encouraged to make contact if they are in anyway late
Lost during travel
Students have journeys explained to them before setting out.
For example when travelling on the underground, students have;
The journey explained
The amount of stops involved
The fact that all trains go the same way
Meeting points on platform established
When walking
Regular stops are made to ensure the group stay together
Teachers are dispersed through the group
By train
Students are asked to travel in the same carriage
Meeting points are established immediately after disembarking from the train
Students are reminded which part of the train to travel on
Anti-Bullying Policy
We believe that all students have the right to live and be educated in an environment which is supportive, caring and safe, and where there is mutual respect, courtesy, kindness and co-operation. Bullying is anti-social behaviour which threatens the fundamental principles of the school, and it will not be tolerated. This policy has been developed with due regard to the duties and obligations under existing legislation and public sector duties for the safeguarding and well-being of all students.
Forms of Bullying
Bullying is deliberately hurtful behaviour to someone as a single incident or over a period of time. It can be either physical, verbal or indirect or a combination of any of these forms. Often it includes one of more of the following: intimidation, exclusion, rumour-spreading, name-calling, anonymous messages, damage to or theft of personal property. The victim may react by becoming silent or withdrawn, feigning illness, missing lessons, not eating, or not working. The potential serious consequences of bullying, both physical and emotional, should not be underestimated. Bullying can lead to psychological damage and in extreme cases, suicide.
Cyberbullying includes the use of ICT in the following ways:
Texting or emailing unpleasant, scary or rude mobile phone messages.
‘Sexting’, where sexually inappropriate mobile phone pictures of one person are used by another person to upset, harass or demean the person in the pictures.
Posting abusive or demeaning comments on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, or in chat rooms.
Deleting or ignorning a person’s messages on social networking sites or in chat rooms.
Sexual and sexist bullying
Sexual and sexist bullying includes:
Making any offensive, derogatory or demeaning comment or innuendo to a person linked to their gender, sexuality or sexual activity.
Displaying sexual or pornographic pictures on any electronic device with intent to insult, demean or harass another person.
Any unwanted physical conduct or coercion into a sexual act.
Racist and religious bullying
Racist and religious bullying includes making any offensive, derogatory or demeaning comment to a person linked to their race, nationality, ethnicity, religion or belief, or cultural practices.
Homophobic bullying
Homophobic bullying includes making any offensive, derogatory or demeaning comment or innuendo to a person linked to their sexuality to upset, harass, humiliate or isolate that person.
Disability bullying
Disability bullying includes making any offensive comment or phycial interference towards another person who has a mental or physical disability or a learning difficulty, whereby that disability or learning difficulty is exploited with the intent to upset, harass, humiliate or isolate that person.
Tackling bullying
The following procedures and recommendations are intended to discourage bullying in all its forms.
General: Preventative Measures to stop bullying
Unauthorised absence from class will be reported by the teacher to the Principal, and will then be followed up by the social welfare officer if there is any cause for concern
Poor academic performance is monitored and addressed by the Principal.
Class teachers will see any member of their tutor group, during the tutor time, who wishes to discuss any personal problem with them.
Teachers will be informed of anyone in their class who has reported or is suspected of being bullied or bullying, and asked to monitor the situation.
The issue of bullying and anti-social behaviour will be periodically addressed in the coaching lesson.
Students will be advised that members of staff do have the ability to stop bullying and encouraged to speak to them.
Students will be advised that anyone who feels that they are being bullied, or who knows that someone else is being bullied, should tell any member of staff. The disclosure will be passed on to and dealt with by the social welfare Officer in the first instance.
All complaints of bullying will be taken seriously, investigated, dealt with appropriately, effectively, sensitively and as confidentially as possible, and responded to in a consistent manner.
Staff will receive frequent training opportunities to help prevent and tackle bullying.
Cyber-Bullying: Preventative Measures to stop bullying
Certain sites are blocked by the schools’ filtering system and staff may monitor students’ use.
In coaching lessons guidance is offered on the safe use of social networking sites and cyber-bullying. This guidance covers blocking, removing contacts from friends’ lists and sharing personal data.
Mobile telephones are to be used with discretion and not in lessons unless expressly for teaching purposes, as directed by the teacher.
The use of cameras on mobile telephones is not allowed in lessons (unless with express permission).
Recording, reporting and monitoring Bullying
Students are encouraged to report incidents of bullying to any member of staff of their choice. The member of staff learning of the incident will follow the schools’ ‘Child Protection Policy’ and communicate it to those who will be able to deal with it effectively, if appropriate.
All incidents of bullying should be recorded and reported to relevant staff members parents and possibly host families. Where students have been involved in a bullying incident, they will be observed to ensure that the behaviour is not repeated.
Support for Students
Students who have been bullied will be supported in the following ways:
Being offered an immediate opportunity to discuss what happened, particularly their feelings, with the social welfare officer, Principal or Vice- Principal.
Being reassured that they have done the right thing by reporting the incident, if applicable, and that the school will be investigating the incident and taking it seriously.
Being offered on-going and continuous support, if appropriate.
Working together to restore their self-esteem and confidence, if appropriate.
The above forms of intervention will be aimed at supporting and empowering students who have experienced bullying rather than encouraging a view of them as victims.
Students who have bullied will be helped in the following ways:
Discussing what happened and discovering why they became involved.
Exploring different perspectives of the incident, as appropriate.
Establishing all hurtful and offensive behaviour and the need to change.
Informing parents and encouraging them to support the change in their child.
Using the services of the social welfare officer to help bullies control their aggression and be more empathetic, if appropriate.
Sanctions for Bullying
The school will impose sanctions on students who have bullied in accordance with its ‘Behaviour Management Policy’.
The type of sanction will depend upon the severity of the incident.
Monitoring, evaluation and review
The school will review this policy annually during the teachers’ preparation weeks in August and assess its implementation and effectiveness. The policy will be promoted and implemented throughout the school and attached to the staff Handbook.
Didac School (Eastbourne) Host Policy & Procedures
Hosts are required to register on a yearly basis and are visited at least every 2 years. Hosts must be made aware that they should let the Homestay Manager know if any adults move into the house whilst they are accommodating a Didac student.
The Homestay Manager must ensure the hosts’ home is suitable for a student, that the student bedroom has a full size bed and enough clothes storage space. There must be a working lock on the bathroom door and the student must be allowed to bath or shower once a day.
The Homestay Manager is responsible for ensuring the host and all members of the hosts home over the age of 18 hold a current (less than 3 years old), enhanced DBS certificate for working with children in their home.
Hosts must ensure their gas appliances are serviced yearly and provide proof that this has been done.
Hosts must be informed that if they are matched with a student under the age of 16 their details will be given to SPOA.
Hosts must be given a contract to sign once a student has been assigned to them.
If a student makes an allegation about their host (or other member of the household) showing inappropriate behaviour towards them, the student must be removed from the hosts home whilst the investigation takes place.
Should a host or member of the hosts household become seriously ill a decision must be made in school as to whether to rehome the student either on a temporary or permanent basis. For example, if a member of the household is diagnosed with an illness that requires ongoing treatment, e.g. chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
All students must be made aware of the procedure regarding complaints against their host (who to contact if they are not happy in the hosts home).
Hosts must notify the Homestay Manager if they are going away overnight and the Homestay Manager must ensure that the student is cared for by an appropriate adult.
Didac School E-Safety Policy
This policy will be updated and review annually by the Principal with consultation from the staff and head of I.T. in August each year, however the policy will also be reviewed in the light of new technology developments or new threats to e-safety or incidents that have taken place.
Should serious e-safety incidents take place, the Designated Safeguarding Lead and/or Principal should be informed
Didac school will monitor the impact of the policy using:
1 Logs of reported incidents
2 Internal monitoring data for network activity
3 Surveys/questionnaires of
i. Students
ii. Staff
This policy applies to all members of Didac school including staff, students and visitors, who have access to and are users of LTC ICT systems, both inside and outside school.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Principal has a duty of care for ensuring the safety of students and staff at Didac School together with day-to-day responsibility.
The Principal should be made aware of the procedure to be followed in the light of a serious e-safety allegation being made against a member of staff.
The Principal is responsible for ensuring that relevant staff receive suitable training to enable them to carry out their e-safety roles and to train other staff, as relevant.
Head of I.T. takes day to day responsibility for e-safety issues along with the Principal and has a leading role in
1 establishing and reviewing Didac schools’ e-safety policies
2 ensures that all staff are aware of the procedures that need to be followed in the event of an e-safety incident
3 provides training and advice for staff
4 liaises with the Principal if necessary
5 receives reports of e-safety incidents and creates a log of incidents to inform future e-safety developments
6 Reports to the Principal to discuss current issues, review incident logs and filtering/change control logs
7 Attends relevant meetings
Teaching & Welfare Staff are responsible for ensuring that they have an up-to-date awareness of e-safety matters and the current LTC e-safety policy and practices
Didac School Ltd Policy on the use of CCTV
Closed Circuit Television Systems (CCTVS) are installed in Didac school.
New CCTV systems will be introduced in consultation with staff and local authorities. Where systems are already in operation, their operation will be reviewed regularly in consultation with staff and the Directors.
“The purpose of this policy is to regulate the use of Closed Circuit Television and its associated technology in the monitoring of both the internal and external environs of the premises under the remit of Didac school Ltd"
CCTV systems are installed (both internally and externally) in premises for the purpose of enhancing security of the building and its associated equipment as well as creating a mindfulness among the occupants, at any one time, that a surveillance security system is in operation within and/or in the external environs of the premises during both the daylight and night hours each day. CCTV surveillance at Didac is intended for the purposes of:
protecting the school buildings and school assets, both during and after school hours;
promoting the health and safety of staff, pupils and visitors;
preventing bullying;
reducing the incidence of crime and anti-social behaviour (including theft and vandalism);
supporting the Police in a bid to deter and detect crime;
assisting in identifying, apprehending and prosecuting offenders; and
ensuring that the school rules are respected so that the school can be properly managed.
This policy relates directly to the location and use of CCTV and the monitoring, recording and subsequent use of such recorded material. Where classes and activities are carried out in rented premises, will ensure that CCTV systems, where installed, are operated only in a way that is compatible with the provisions of this policy.
Didac school Ltd as the corporate body has a statutory responsibility for the protection of its property, equipment and other plant as well providing a sense of security to its employees, students and invitees to its premises. The school owes a duty of care under the provisions of Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and associated legislation and utilises CCTV systems and their associated monitoring and recording equipment as an added mode of security and surveillance for the purpose of enhancing the quality of life of the school community by integrating the best practices governing the public and private surveillance of its premises.
The use of the CCTV system will be conducted in a professional, ethical and legal manner and any diversion of the use of CCTV security technologies for other purposes is prohibited by this policy e.g. CCTV will not be used for monitoring employee performance.
Information obtained through the CCTV system may only be released when authorised by the Principal. Any requests for CCTV recordings/images from the Police will be fully recorded and legal advice will be sought if any such request is made. (See “Access” below). If a law enforcement authority, such as the Police, are seeking a recording for a specific investigation, The Police may require a warrant and accordingly any such request made by the Police should be requested in writing and the school will immediately seek legal advice.
CCTV monitoring of public areas for security purposes will be conducted in a manner consistent with all existing policies adopted by the school, including Equality & Diversity Policy, Dignity at Work Policy, Codes of Practice for dealing with complaints of Bullying & Harassment and Sexual Harassment and other relevant policies, including the provisions set down in equality and other educational and related legislation.
This policy prohibits monitoring based on the characteristics and classifications contained in equality and other related legislation e.g. race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability etc.
Video monitoring of public areas for security purposes within school premises is limited to uses that do not violate the individual’s reasonable expectation to privacy.
Information obtained in violation of this policy may not be used in a disciplinary proceeding against an employee of the school or a student attending its school.
All CCTV systems and associated equipment will be required to be compliant with this policy following its adoption by Didac. Recognisable images captured by CCTV systems are “personal data.” They are therefore subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003.
Section 2(1)(c)(iii) of the Data Protection Acts requires that data is "adequate, relevant and not excessive" for the purpose for which it is collected. This means that Didac needs to be able to justify the obtaining and use of personal data by means of a CCTV system. The use of CCTV to control the perimeter of the school buildings for security purposes has been deemed to be justified by the board of management. The system is intended to capture images of intruders or of individuals damaging property or removing goods without authorisation.
CCTV systems will not be used to monitor normal teacher/student classroom activity in school.
In other areas of the school where CCTV has been installed, e.g. hallways, stairwells, locker areas, the Principal has demonstrated that there is a proven risk to security and/or health & safety and that the installation of CCTV is proportionate in addressing such issues that have arisen prior to the installation of the system.
The location of cameras is a key consideration. Use of CCTV to monitor areas where individuals would have a reasonable expectation of privacy would be difficult to justify. Didac has endeavoured to select locations for the installation of CCTCV cameras which are least intrusive to protect the privacy of individuals. Cameras placed so as to record external areas are positioned in such a way as to prevent or minimise recording of passers-by or of another person's private property.
CCTV Video Monitoring and Recording of Public Areas in Didac may include the following:
Protection of school buildings and property: The building’s perimeter, entrances and exits, lobbies and corridors, special storage areas, common shared areas and receiving areas for goods/services
Monitoring of Access Control Systems: Monitor and record restricted access areas at entrances to buildings and other areas
Verification of Security Alarms: Intrusion alarms, exit door controls, external alarms
Video Patrol of Public Areas: Parking areas, Main entrance/exit gates, Traffic Control
Criminal Investigations (carried out by the Police): Robbery, burglary and theft surveillance
Didac will not engage in covert surveillance.
Where the Police requests to carry out covert surveillance on school premises, such covert surveillance may require the consent of a judge. Accordingly, any such request made by the Police will be requested in writing and the school will seek legal advice.
The Principal will provide a copy of this CCTV Policy on request to staff, students, parents and visitors to the school. This policy describes the purpose and location of CCTV monitoring, a contact number for those wishing to discuss CCTV monitoring and guidelines for its use. The location of CCTV cameras will also be indicated to the Board of Management. Adequate signage will be placed at each location in which a CCTV camera(s) is sited to indicate that CCTV is in operation. Adequate signage will also be prominently displayed at the entrance to Didac school property. Signage shall include the name and contact details of the data controller as well as the specific purpose(s) for which the CCTV camera is in place in each location.
Appropriate locations for signage will include:
at entrances to premises i.e. external doors, school gates
reception area
at or close to each internal camera
Section 2(1)(c)(iv) of the Data Protection Acts states that data "shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for" the purposes for which it was obtained. A data controller needs to be able to justify this retention period. For a normal CCTV security system, it would be difficult to justify retention beyond a month (28 days), except where the images identify an issue – such as a break-in or theft and those particular images/recordings are retained specifically in the context of an investigation/prosecution of that issue.
Accordingly, the images captured by the CCTV system will be retained for a maximum of 28 days, except where the image identifies an issue and is retained specifically in the context of an investigation/prosecution of that issue.
The images/recordings will be stored in a secure environment with a log of access kept. Access will be restricted to authorised personnel. Supervising the access and maintenance of the CCTV System is the responsibility of the Principal. The Principal may delegate the administration of the CCTV System to another staff member. In certain circumstances, the recordings may also be viewed by other individuals in order to achieve the objectives set out above.
Tapes/DVDs will be stored in a secure environment with a log of access to tapes kept. Access will be restricted to authorised personnel. Similar measures will be employed when using disk storage, with automatic logs of access to the images created.
Access to the CCTV system and stored images will be restricted to authorised personnel only i.e. Principal of school and Admin personnel.
In relevant circumstances, CCTV footage may be accessed:
By the Police where Didac school Ltd are required by law to make a report regarding the commission of a suspected crime; or
Following a request by the Police when a crime or suspected crime has taken place and/or when it is suspected that illegal/anti-social behaviour is taking place on Didac school property, or
To the HSE and/or any other statutory body charged with child safeguarding; or
To assist the Principal in establishing facts in cases of unacceptable student behaviour, in which case, the parents/guardians will be informed; or
To data subjects (or their legal representatives), pursuant to an access request where the time, date and location of the recordings is furnished to Didac school or
To individuals (or their legal representatives) subject to a court order.
To the school’s insurance company where the insurance company requires same in order to pursue a claim for damage done to the insured property.
Requests by Police: Information obtained through video monitoring will only be released when authorised by the Principal If the Police request CCTV images for a specific investigation, The Police may require a warrant and accordingly any such request made by the Police should be made in writing and the school should immediately seek legal advice.
Access requests: On written request, any person whose image has been recorded has a right to be given a copy of the information recorded which relates to them, provided always that such an image/recording exists i.e. has not been deleted and provided also that an exemption/prohibition does not apply to the release. Where the image/recording identifies another individual, those images may only be released where they can be redacted/anonymised so that the other person is not identified or identifiable. To exercise their right of access, a data subject must make an application in writing to the school Principal. The school may charge up to £10 for responding to such a request and must respond within 40 days.
Access requests can be made to the following: B Dyer, Didac school, 16 Trinity Trees, Eastbourne
A person should provide all the necessary information to assist Didac in locating the CCTV recorded data, such as the date, time and location of the recording. If the image is of such poor quality as not to clearly identify an individual, that image may not be considered to be personal data and may not be handed over by the school.
In giving a person a copy of their data, the school may provide a still/series of still pictures, a tape or a disk with relevant images. However, other images of other individuals will be obscured before the data is released.
The Principal will:
Ensure that the use of CCTV systems is implemented in accordance with the policy set down by Didac
Oversee and co-ordinate the use of CCTV monitoring for safety and security purposes within Didac.
Ensure that all existing CCTV monitoring systems will be evaluated for compliance with this policy
Ensure that the CCTV monitoring at Didac is consistent with the highest standards and protections
Review camera locations and be responsible for the release of any information or recorded CCTV materials stored in compliance with this policy
Maintain a record of access (e.g. an access log) to or the release of tapes or any material recorded or stored in the system
Ensure that monitoring recorded tapes are not duplicated for release
Ensure that the perimeter of view from fixed location cameras conforms to this policy both internally and externally
Approve the location of temporary cameras to be used during special events that have particular security requirements and ensure their withdrawal following such events. NOTE: [Temporary cameras do not include mobile video equipment or hidden surveillance cameras used for authorised criminal investigations by the Police].
Give consideration to both students and staff feedback/complaints regarding possible invasion of privacy or confidentiality due to the location of a particular CCTV camera or associated equipment
Ensure that all areas being monitored are not in breach of an enhanced expectation of the privacy of individuals within the school and be mindful that no such infringement is likely to take place
Co-operate with the Health & Safety Officer of Didac school in reporting on the CCTV system in operation in the school
Ensure that external cameras are non-intrusive in terms of their positions and views of neighbouring residential housing and comply with the principle of “Reasonable Expectation of Privacy”
Ensure that monitoring tapes are stored in a secure place with access by authorised personnel only
Ensure that images recorded on tapes/DVDs/digital recordings are stored for a period not longer than 28 days and are then erased unless required as part of a criminal investigation or court proceedings (criminal or civil) or other bona fide use as approved by the Principal.
Ensure that when a zoom facility on a camera is being used, there is a second person present with the operator of the camera to guarantee that there is no unwarranted invasion of privacy
Ensure that camera control is solely to monitor suspicious behaviour, criminal damage etc. and not to monitor individual characteristics
Ensure that camera control is not infringing an individual’s reasonable expectation of privacy in public areas
Ensure that where a Police request to set up mobile video equipment for criminal investigations, legal advice has been obtained and such activities have the approval of the Principal.
The policy will be reviewed and evaluated from time to time. On-going review and evaluation will take cognisance of changing information or guidelines (e.g. from the Data Protection Commissioner, Police, Department of Education and Skills, Audit units (internal and external to Didac school, national management bodies, legislation and feedback from parents/guardians, students, staff and others.
The date from which the policy will apply is the date of adoption by the Principal. Implementation of the policy will be monitored by the Principal of the school.
The Principal will monitor the implementation of the policy.
Fire Safety Policy
Our priority is to minimise the risk to life and to reduce injury by maintaining the physical fire safety integrity of the school in ensuring that staff, students and visitors do not add to the fire risk and through safe evacuation of our building if a fire breaks out. The fire safety policy, procedures and risk assessments at Didac School are designed to help our community to respond calmly and effectively in the event that a fire breaks out in our building. All staff have a duty of care in ensuring that the fire safety policy is embedded in the entire school community.
The staff have a dedicated meeting in August in order to discuss all matters of health, safety & welfare.
Part of their duties include:
Ensuring The Fire Safety Policy and associated procedures are reviewed
Ensuring everyone in the school (including visitors and contractors) are given clear instructions on where they should go in the event of fire
Ensuring fire safety announcements are said at the start of special school functions & events
Ensuring appropriate records are kept of fire drills, fire fighting equipment & escape route checks
Ensuring appropriate fire awareness training is given to staff
Ensuring procedures for emergency evacuation are regularly tested
Ensuring The Fire Risk Assessment is regularly reviewed and updated
Ensuring Fire prevention measures are meticulously followed
Ensuring fire procedures and risk assessments are reviewed if the building is altered, extended or rebuilt.
As the designated Health & Safety Officer, the secretary ensures that records are kept of the following:
Fire Risk Assessment and its review
Fire Safety Policy
Fire Procedures and Arrangements
Training Records
Fire Practice Drills
Certificates for the maintenance of fire-fighting systems and equipment.
Briefing of staff and students
All new staff (teaching and non-teaching alike) and students are given a briefing on the school’s emergency evacuation procedures within their first few days at Didac School
For staff this is covered as part of the induction procedures by a designated member of staff, and for students this is covered by class orientation teachers.
All staff receive a copy of the Staff Handbook on or before their first day at school. This Handbook contains details of the school’s Fire Safety procedures and arrangements.
These matters are discussed and reviewed annually during the preparation weeks in August.
We offer fire awareness training, including the basic use of fire extinguishers, on at least one of these days in August. Designated Fire Marshalls attend additional Professional training in order to fulfil their roles.
Fire Safety Procedures
The safe evacuation of everyone – staff and students alike, is our priority. Protecting property comes second.
No one should attempt to fight a fire at the expense of their own, or anyone else’s safety. No one should attempt to use a fire extinguisher before they have been trained in its use. On no account should anyone return to a burning building.
Fire notices are clearly displayed in various rooms and public places throughout the building. If a person discovers a fire, they should break the glass in the nearest alarm point to set off the alarm then leave the building by the nearest exit. They should go to the Fire Assembly Point, which is in front of TJ Hughes in the pedestrian walkway.
Escape routes are clearly signed, using standard, compliant signage. Escape routes and emergency exits are checked regularly by the caretaker to ensure they are kept clear.
Suitable firefighting equipment are clearly labelled. A fire alarm system is fitted and call points are tested via fire drills and weekly testing. The firefighting equipment and
fire alarm system are annually tested by specialist contractors, who are currently ……………..
Fire drills are held once a term, at varying times of the school day. This, combined with a programme of inducting new staff and pupils with emergency escape procedures and the presence of trained Fire marshalls, helps to ensure that the school can be safely evacuated in the event of a fire. Records of all fire drills are held by the secretary.
The school office is manned between 8am and 4.30pm during weekdays (during term time) and at other times during the holidays. The fire alarm panel is situated in the front lobby area, and a plan of all the call points is displayed there. Office staff are responsible for summoning the fire brigade.
All visitors and contractors are required to sign in at Reception, where they are issued with a visitor’s badge, which should be worn at all times while they are on school property.
All members of staff are responsible for ensuring that anyone in their classroom or office
are able to exit the building safely.
Teaching staff are responsible for escorting their students safely out of the building in silence and in an orderly fashion. They are responsible for conducting a head count on arrival at the assembly point, and for ensuring that the name of anyone who cannot be accounted for (and, if possible, their likely location) is passed immediately to one of the fire marshals.
Fire Marshalls have been appointed to ensure that the Fire Safety Procedures are correctly carried out for their particular area of responsibility, and they also ensure that any disabled people or those who need help are assisted in leaving the building safely. The nominated people are the Principal and the secretary.
Fire Prevention
The following fire prevention measures are in place at The Laurels School:
There are presently 6 escape routes from the school building
Fire notices are clearly displayed in all rooms, corridor areas and stairwells
Fire safety documents are available in the school office should they be required by the Fire Brigade.
Fire extinguishers (of the appropriate type) and fire blankets are located at key points throughout the building, as recommended by specialist contractors and/or the Fire Brigade.
Call points are activated by breaking the glass (or by using the break glass key during fire drills)
Following a call point being activated, the fire alarm will automatically sound. The system is fitted with a battery backup.
All stairs, passages and emergency exits are illuminated by emergency lighting.
Qualified electricians inspect and maintain all electrical installations, which are suitably protected and meet the requirements of BS7671 IEE wiring regulations
All gas appliances are regularly maintained and serviced by Gas Safe registered engineers
Fire Risk Assessment
The school’s Fire Risk Assessment meets the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. Specifically it identifies:
The hazards
The people at risk
The measures to evaluate, remove, reduce and protect from the risk
The measures needed to record, plan, inform, instruct and train people in risk reduction or removal
The management of fire safety procedures
The action plan
The original Fire Risk Assessment at Didac school was carried out by a specialist company in …………., and it is reviewed regularly by the Principal. A professional review will be carried out at least every 4-5 years.
Any comments or suggestions for improving the school’s Fire Risk Assessment are always welcome. All of the Senior Management Team are responsible for ensuring that they are aware of any specific risks which are relevant to their subject area.
Monitoring and review
It is the responsibility of the Principal to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of this policy.
Transportation Policy
School minibus
The school minibus must never carry more than the maximum number allowed. When transporting students, the driver must have a current enhanced DBS check, a valid driving licence that permits him or her to drive the minibus and be valid to meet all the requirements of the school insurance policy. It is the drivers’ responsibility to check this if he/she is unsure.
The driver is responsible for ensuring all passengers use their seatbelts and conform to basic road safety of being a passenger in a vehicle. The driver should do a small basic check on the minibus before driving students to check wheels, tyres, lights and should make sure that the minibus has on board a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher.
Airport travel
All students taking flights from the UK to Switzerland must have notified the school of their intent at least one day before they are due to leave. The school must have written permission from the students’ parent/carer in Switzerland and a signed consent form which is available from the secretary.
Individual student travel
Students under 18 going home on their own – need permission from their parents they also need to have a signed consent form from parents (copies in Secretary’s office)
For clear welfare reasons the school will always assist with transport requirements for travel to and from the airport and in the case of under 16’s will insist that the parent/carer makes provisions for their child to be escorted, (either by the school or a nominated responsible adult by the parent/carer.
Group travel
In the event of the school using larger vehicles than the minibus for transportation, there will always be at least one member of staff on the coach who will be responsible for the students’ welfare. The member of staff is responsible for ensuring they are carrying a first aid kit and have a current enhanced DBS check in place and have made themselves aware of any risk assessment that the school has put in place.
Privacy Policy
The protection of your data is important to us!
The education offers of Didac Schulen AG, with registered seat at Alpeneggstrasse 1, 3012, Bern, Switzerland, and its affiliate Didac Schools Ltd., with registered seat at 16 Trinity Trees, Eastbourne, BN21 3LA, United Kingdom (jointly referred to as “Didac”) are provided mainly for Swiss students and their parents in Switzerland. Additionally, Didac operates a host family referral service in Switzerland and the United Kingdom. By visiting the Didac website or by contacting us you can obtain information about the different education offers and download our brochures. By visiting this website and providing your data (in order for us to send you the required brochures/information) or if you subscribe to an education offer of Didac, you acknowledge the processing of your data as set out in this privacy policy.
What personal data do we process and why?
Generally, you can use our website without providing personal data. However, our website is using “cookies” (see the following section on cookies).
By using our website (and providing personal data via ordering information/brochures) or by contacting us or by subscribing to one of our educational offers the following information will be processed: surname, name, address, ZIP code, email, phone number, gender, date of birth, current school year and any potential email or letter correspondence. Didac may also capture pictures or videos of students during their daily live at school, at the host family, at graduation ceremonies and at the school’s leisure activities.
Additionally, Didac purchases addresses of potential customers from dedicated service providers. However, in this process Didac does not obtain your personal data. The service providers are responsible for lawfully obtaining and processing your personal data and will share it with us only on an anonymized basis. Our advertisement will be sent directly to your address by the service provider and/or its third-party printing services. We only get access to and process your personal data in the event that you subsequently contact us.
For what purpose do we process your personal data?
Processing of personal data for provision of our services
We process your personal data for the following purpose only:
To provide you with the requested information on our education offers;
To fulfill our contractual (provision of education and host family referrals) or statutory obligations;
Based on Didac’s legitimate interests, i.e. for own marketing purpose and to analyze the usage of our website (see the following sections).
Processing of personal data for marketing purpose
By providing your personal data you acknowledge that Didac may use your information for its own marketing purpose. Specifically, Didac may use your personal data to send newsletters or other communication means via email or letter. Didac may also publish the captured pictures and videos in its brochures, flyer, website or social media. At any time, you can revoke your agreement to use your personal data for marketing purposes. You can find our contact details to do so at the end of this privacy policy.
Disclosing of personal data to third parties
Didac will only disclose your personal data to third parties if you have previously agreed to such disclosure or as a result of a contractual or statutory obligation.
Additionally, Didac may disclose your personal data to third parties if required for analyzing the use of our website and in relation to the provision of education services, specifically for the processing of your requested information/subscriptions, for providing host family referrals as well as for the execution of its payments. The use of your personal data by third parties is strictly limited to these purposes. Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties for marketing purposes.
Disclosing of personal data among Didac alumni
To facilitate the organization of class reunions or similar activities among Didac alumni, you acknowledge that Didac may provide your contact details to other alumni upon request. As an alumni you can revoke your agreement at any time to such disclosure. You can find our contact details to do so at the end of this privacy policy.
Cross-border transfer of your personal data
You acknowledge that Didac may transfer your personal data to companies situated or operating in countries outside of Switzerland and the United Kingdom/the European Union, provided that such transfer is required for the purpose as set out above. Didac will adhere to any legal requirements for transferring personal data to third parties. Third parties within the European Union are bound to the same data protection standards. In the event the destination country is outside the European Union and does not have an adequate level of data protection, Didac will execute appropriate contractual agreements to ensure the same level of data protection as in Switzerland and the European Union.
Google / Google Analytics
Didac uses Google Analytics to evaluate and collect data about the use of our website, to maintain internal statistics and to optimize our marketing efforts.
Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies". These are text files that are stored on your computer and that allow an analysis of the use of the website by you. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transmitted to a Google server and stored there. The server may be situated outside of Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Google will use this information on behalf of the operator of this website to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity, and to provide other services regarding website activity and Internet usage for the website operator. Google may transfer such information to third parties where legally required or where third parties are processing such data on behalf of Google. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with any other data held by Google.
You can prevent these cookies being stored by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser. However, we wish to point out that doing so may mean you will not be able to enjoy the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you acknowledge the processing of your data by Google in the manner described for the aforementioned purpose.
For more information and the Google Privacy Policy, go to:
Integration of social media plugins
Facebook plugins
We use plugins from the social network Facebook on our website. You can identify these plugins by the Facebook logo located on the individual pages of our website. When you visit the pages of our website, your browser will be directly connected to the Facebook server via the plugin. Through this connection, Facebook is notified that our website has been visited from your IP address. If you click on the Facebook button while you are logged into your Facebook account, the contents of our pages will be linked to your Facebook profile. This allows Facebook to associate your visit to our website with your user account. As the owner of the pages within our website, we neither have nor obtain any knowledge of the contents of the data disclosed via the plugin, or of the use of said data by Facebook. Therefore, we recommend that you obtain additional information about the plugin, as well as the Facebook privacy policy, from:
If you do not want Facebook to collect and process data regarding your visit to the pages within our website, please make sure that you are not logged into your Facebook user account at any time during your visit to the pages of our website.
Instagram plugins
On our website plugins of the social network Instagram are integrated. The Instagram plugin can be recognized by the "Instagram button" on our page. If you click on the Instagram button while logged in to the Instagram account, you can link the contents of our websites to your Instagram profile. This allows Instagram to associate the visit to our pages with your user account. We point out that we as the provider of the website are not aware of the content of the data transmitted and their use by Instagram. For more information about Instagram's privacy policy, please visit: http://instagram.com/about/legal/privacy
If you do not want Instagram to collect and process data regarding your visit to the pages within our website, please make sure that you are not logged into your Instagram user account at any time during your visit to the pages of our website.
YouTube plugins
We use plugins from the video platform YouTube on our website. When you click the YouTube link on our website, the integrated YouTube player establishes a connection to YouTube in order to ensure the technical transmission of the video or audio file. When the connection to YouTube is established, data is transferred to YouTube. For information about the scope and purpose of data collection, the further processing and use of the data by YouTube and your rights and the settings you can configure to protect your privacy, please refer to the YouTube Data Protection Notice here: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en
Links to third party websites
This website contains links to third party websites. Please note that Didac is not responsible for and has no influence on the content or the privacy practices of third-party websites.
Data security
Didac is committed to protect the privacy of your personal data in accordance with applicable technical standards. Didac implemented the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of personal data from any accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, deterioration, unauthorized disclosure or access and any other unlawful form of processing.
Your data / Your control
Under applicable data protection laws, you have the right to request access to your personal data or to request rectification, erasure and restriction of processing of personal data, save for statutory retention obligation of Didac which remains unaffected thereof. Any request shall be sent in written form to Didac to the following address:
Didac Schulen AG
Zentrales Sekretariat
Alpeneggstrasse 1
CH-3012 Bern
In order to process such personal data access and/or erasure request we reserve the right to demand a proof of identity.
Changes to this privacy policy
Didac may amend this privacy policy from time to time according to its needs and changes in applicable data protection laws. The latest version will be published on this website.
Bern / Switzerland, 1. April 2023